Success Stories: Unveiling Our
Impact Through Case Studies
Exploring Real-World Solutions and Results Across Industries

Through the Krishimangal program, Tan90, being one of the applicants, worked with 2 consortium partners, Greenbliss Agro and DbyT Dynamics to address the cold storage and market linkage problems at the grassroots. Cold storages in India are centralized and have limited access to marginal farmers. Before the start of the program, market analysis suggested that setting up infrastructure alone would not alone suffice the impact, and market linkages are necessary for the proper utilization of resources. Through the Krishimangal Program, cold storage infrastructure was not only made accessible to small scale farmers through Tan90, partners were onboarded to help in the market linkages.

Facility for Low Carbon Technology Deployment (FLCTD)
The FLCTD conducts “Innovation Challenge” competitions annually to identify innovative technologies and solutions and provides financial support for demonstration and testing in field conditions typically, industries/firms are willing for pilot demonstrations where the technology is periodically monitored, and performance validated. The technology verification process will help establish the efficacy of innovation and lend credibility to innovation to seek financing for scale-up.