Unveiling Our Journey

In 2019, Tan90 embarked on a mission that would redefine the way businesses approached cold storage solutions. We began with a humble 40-liter portable cold storage unit, designed to transport milk sachets. Our journey kicked off in Tamil Nadu, India, where we collaborated closely with local businesses. As we traversed this path, we uncovered a broader need – the critical role of the cold chain in preserving the freshness of vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish for businesses. Listening to our customers, we discovered that they were relying on outdated methods, from gel packs and ice to costly reefer trucks and basic iceboxes. The verdict was unanimous – they needed a better way.
In 2019, Tan90 embarked on a mission that would redefine the way businesses approached cold storage solutions. We began with a humble 40-liter portable cold storage unit, designed to transport milk sachets. Our journey kicked off in Tamil Nadu, India, where we collaborated closely with local businesses. As we traversed this path, we uncovered a broader need – the critical role of the cold chain in preserving the freshness of vegetables, fruits, meat, and fish for businesses. Listening to our customers, we discovered that they were relying on outdated methods, from gel packs and ice to costly reefer trucks and basic iceboxes. The verdict was unanimous – they needed a better way.
With our engineering skills and a strong commitment to make a positive impact, we crafted thermal solutions that matched their needs, reduced carbon emissions, and introduced modern tech likePCM (Phase Change Material). Today, we are proud to offer tailormade energy efficient and cost effective thermal management solutions to all businesses.
With our engineering skills and a strong commitment to make a positive impact, we crafted thermal solutions that matched their needs, reduced carbon emissions, and introduced modern tech likePCM (Phase Change Material). Today, we are proud to offer tailormade energy efficient and cost effective thermal management solutions to all businesses.
At Tan90, we are committed to helping businesses thrive by offering products and solutions that unite business excellence with innovative cold chain solutions.

The talisman for our team is

Step up to the challenge

Creating an impact at scale takes time, particularly when improving the life of our farmers! We aim to reduce the carbon footprint with our energy efficient solutions and we look out for a circular economy that can be implemented in our operations.

Round peg in a square hole

We have a bias for people who take risks, be it our team members, channel partners or our customers. Without risk, there is a minimal possibility for success, and we work coherently with individuals who take the leap of faith. Always!


When the whole country was under lockdown, Tan90 was actively working to reach out to businesses and farmers with their cold storages. We are not only efficient in our products, but also in our operations! Try us out to get an experience.

Our Impact




of CO2 emission saved

units of portable cold storage solutions deployed